About Central Florida Gardener

Welcome and thank you for visiting Central Florida Gardener. Florida is a unique state in which to garden. It can be frustrating but also rewarding for gardeners who persevere. This blog was created as a resource for Florida gardeners, both new and experienced, in search of information specifically for Florida gardens.

You are invited to participate by leaving your comments, suggestions, tips and recommendations relevant to Florida gardening - don't be shy! Thank you for dropping by to learn more about gardening in the Sunshine state. I look forward to hearing from you! Susan

Monday, November 05, 2012

Creating A Wildlife Habitat - Step #5: Sustainable Garden Practices

The last and final step in turning your garden into a wildlife habitat is to garden sustainably. That's a big term for practicing natural garden techniques in your yard. Wildlife are sensitive to chemicals so it makes sense to incorporate this last element into the garden whenever and wherever possible.

The Fifth Element necessary to attract wildlife is to practice sustainable gardening techniques.

Tips for creating a more sustainable landscape:

* Enriching your soil with compost prior to planting will help plants thrive and reduce the chances of insect invasions.

* Plant Florida-friendly and native plants so that you will experience less disease and pest problems.

* Use the least toxic methods for controlling pests such as hand-picking, BT for caterpillars, horticulture oil for scale, baking soda to eliminate crabgrass, horticulture soap for most insects.  

* Mulch (pine bark, hay straw or pine needles - no cypress mulch, please) to reduce weeds.

* Use less fertilizer or eliminate large portions of turf grass.

* Fertilize plants with natural products such as compost, compost tea, fish emulsion or manure.

Wildlife Friendly Tip

Mix up a batch of homemade horticulture soap which is very effective in eliminating a large number of pests in the garden. Mix together 2 Tablespoons of dishwashing liquid into one gallon of water. Pour into a spray bottle and you've got an easy remedy to combat mealybugs, aphids, soft scale, thrips and mites. 

Test out your product on a small portion of a plant before spraying the entire plant as some plants may be sensitive to the soap. Also, do not spray when temperatures are 90 degrees or above. I like to spray my plants in late afternoon and then give them a rinse the next morning. 

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Now that you've turned your yard into a "Florida-friendly Wildlife Habitat" why not take the next step and get it certified by the National Wildlife Federation (NWF). Florida gardens are only 2nd to California in the number of gardens certified by the NWF. So, let's all get on board and make Florida #1 in the country!

As a recap, the following are the 5 steps required by the National Wildlife Federation for creating a "certified wildlife habitat:" 

Food Sources - For example: Native plants, seeds, fruits, nuts, berries, nectar

Water Sources - For example: Birdbath, pond, water garden, stream

Places for Cover - For example: Thicket, rockpile, birdhouse

Places to Raise Young - For example: Dense shrubs, vegetation, nesting box, pond

•Sustainable Gardening - For example: Mulch, compost, rain garden, chemical-free fertilizer

When you certify your garden, you'll receive all these NWF benefits:

•A personalized certificate that recognizes your NWF Certified Wildlife Habitat™.

•A free NWF membership which includes a full year's subscription to the award-winning National Wildlife® magazine and 10% off all NWF catalog purchases.

•A free subscription to the quarterly e-newsletter, Habitats, full of insightful tips and information on gardening and attracting wildlife year after year.

•Your name listed in NWF's National registry of certified habitats...to recognize all you've done for wildlife.

And, once you complete your application, you'll be eligible to purchase the "wildly" popular Certified Wildlife Habitat™ yard sign (above) that shows your commitment to conserving wildlife.

Start your certification application here >> NWF Certified Wildlife Habitat

As you create your own wildlife friendly garden I would love to hear about your experiences, suggestions, tips and questions involving your transformation. You can reach me at: cenflagardener at gmail.com. Congratulations and good luck in transforming your yard into a wildlife habitat

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Creating a Wildlife Habitat - Step #4: Provide Places for Raising Young

Now that you've provided food, water and cover in your garden and the birds, butterflies and other creatures are showing up in great numbers it's time to think about providing places for nesting.

The following ideas will entice wildlife to put out the "Home Sweet Home" sign and make your garden their permanent home.

The FOURTH element to attract wildlife is to provide places for nesting.

Here's 4 suggestions for providing places for nesting: 

Plant a variety of trees. Establishing trees of varying varieties and heights will attract a variety of birds to your garden and provide them with a place to build nests.

Don't forget to include palm trees when deciding which trees you'll grow. Not only do the birds love the berries but the palm fibers are used as nesting material.

When possible, leaving a dead tree trunk. . . also called a "snag" . . . in your yard. The snag in this photo stands between a series of trees planted all around it. It's been there for about 7 years and the woodpeckers love it.

These snags provide a place for cavity nesting birds to create a home. Do be careful that the snag will not cause damage to your home or other structures should it eventually fall over. My snag is slowly decomposing and looks like it will most likely break off in small chunks as it ages.

Attach or hang birdhouses to a tree or post in the garden. Small birds such as wrens and sparrows will appreciate these little homes scattered around your garden. Some small mammals like flying squirrels will also nest in these houses. We have a Bluebird family that has taken up residence in the Bluebird house pictured at the beginning of this post.
Don't forget to include duck houses if you live on the water, and bat houses are another option.

Place a large piece of wood or a woodpile in a quiet area of the yard. I like to incorporate large pieces of wood, such as the one in the photo, in my garden as a decorative piece. This unusually shaped piece of wood looks natural and you can see that some critter has created an entrance to his home where the piece of wood curves. Nothing makes me smile more than making this discovery.

Wildlife Friendly Tip

This half wire basket was repurposed to hold Spanish moss, dryer lint and any other material that birds can use to build nests. When I find a fallen nest I separate it and place the materials in this basket, too.

I'm more than willing to give the birds a little help if I can entice them to nest in my garden.

Attracting wildlife to your garden is only half the equation. To get them to set up home means providing nesting opportunities and that's not difficult to do with a little thought and planning. Your garden will come alive with the sounds and sights of many varieties of birds, butterflies, dragonflies, frogs, squirrels, snakes, armadillos and other types of wildlife. Yes...I said snakes and armadillos! That's all part of creating a "Florida-friendly wildlife habitat" folks.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Creating a Wildlife Habitat - Step #3: Places for Cover

Wildlife needs a certain amount of cover - - trees, shrubs, grasses - - for protection from predators. By providing a network of cover for safe passage it's likely you'll see greater numbers and varieties of wildlife all around your garden.

There's many ways to create covered areas in your garden. Some will produce results quickly while others will take time for trees and plants to establish themselves and grow, but with each passing year more and more wildlife will call your garden home.

We built a new home 5 years ago and our trees and shrubs have grown nicely and our flowerbeds larger, and we are reaping the rewards of seeing birds darting from one tree to another and into areas of shrubbery. We even spotted a rabbit feeding in our front and backyard recently.

The THIRD element necessary to attract wildlife is to provide places for cover.

Here's a list of suggestions for creating cover in your garden:

Plant trees and garden beds of shrubbery around them using a mix of Florida-Friendly and native varieties. Establishing a landscape with trees and plants of varying heights provides a more natural landscape cover for wildlife. When planting trees take into consideration the location of the sun to maximize energy savings for your home. Also, consider planting a mix of evergreen and deciduous varieties, as well as seed and fruit varieties to increase food sources for wildlife.

Create a network of cover areas. This sounds complicated but it simply means establishing trees and garden beds of shrubbery in various places throughout your landscape. In this photo off in the distance are some larger trees...a medium sized tree is a little closer....a palm is near the house as is the shrubbery....and another tree in the forefront of the photo which is hard to see. All of these areas provide cover over a specified area in which birds, squirrels, rabbits have a place to take cover when they dart from tree to shrubbery to tree in search of food.

Replace lawn with groundcovers and large island beds. Groundcovers can be easily maintained and provide cover to a number of small creatures. This island bed in my front yard provides coverage to birds as they dart back and forth to trees that frame our property. As it turned out, this butterfly garden provides lots of yummy caterpillars for the birds to feed on. Keep in mind that wildlife is more likely to use an island bed if it's located near other garden beds.

Add a  woodpile in an area of your garden. In this photo on the left you can see that I left the tree stump of a fallen tree along with a small portion of the tree trunk lying in the center of this bromeliad bed. The remnants of the tree that once stood there now is home to some creature that has dug a hole at the base of the stump. As the wood is slowly decomposing it's enriching the soil for the spreading bromeliads that surround it.

Wildlife Friendly Tip

#1 - Locate birdfeeders near bushes or trees so that birds are not exposed to larger predators.

#2 - Get your neighbors involved. A larger habitat will draw more species into a neighborhood.

Increasing cover in your garden is an essential element that is most often overlooked. By adding a variety of flowerbeds and trees of varying heights throughout your garden you will provide good coverage for wildlife and bring them closer to your home for better viewing.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Creating a Wildlife Habitat - Step #2: Providing Water Sources

Water is a crucial resource for our survival and the same is true for wildlife. In order to attract and keep wildlife in our garden it is important to add at least one source of water...varying types of water sources spread throughout your garden is even more beneficial.

The SECOND element necessary to attract wildlife to your garden is a source of water.

It doesn't have to be a large water pond...adding small elements throughout your garden is all you need.

TO-DO: Add a birdbath, pond or water garden, rain or bog garden, butterfly puddling area to your garden.

 Birdbaths are one of the easiest ways to add a water source to your garden. Adding several in different locations is a good start. Also, consider adding a saucer of water at ground level for other animals. Rocks with depressions in them will fill with rain water for butterflies and other animals. Birds are attracted to the sound of running water, so feel free to include a fountain in your plans.

Adding a pond or water garden to your yard is a more ambitious undertaking but it creates its own small ecosystem that attracts a larger number of wild creatures such as frogs, toads, turtles, racoons, dragonflies, birds and butterflies.

 Rain gardens that contain water runoff and boggy areas of a garden that contain water or stay damp for a portion of the year that are planted with native plants also attract and provide habitat for butterflies, insects, frogs and birds.

Leaving areas of unmulched sandy soil (near butterfly plants) provide butterflies with a puddling area where they can easily get the necessary water, minerals and salt that they need for survival. If you don't want to leave an area of ground unmulched you can create a puddling station in a clay saucer. Just fill it with sand/dirt, place several small stones on top of the soil and keep it moist.

Many times I've caught squirrels sipping water from this small potted water garden in my backyard. It's easy to make and maintain. All you need is a container that doesn't have drainage holes. I added a couple inches of dirt and two native potted Pickerel Weed plants. I filled it with water and added small quantities of tiny native Duckweed and Water Lettuce. Occassionally, I have to add water to it when it doesn't rain but it never smells foul or needs cleaning.

Wildlife Friendly Tip: 

#1 - When cleaning birdbaths use a small amount of vinegar instead of bleach and a good stiff brush to scrub off debris.

#2 - Using native plants in ponds or bog/rain gardens is beneficial to wildlife. 

Adding a variety of water sources to your garden is easy and inexpensive. Position them in different areas of your garden for maximum benefit and sit back and enjoy the entertainment of all the happy creatures that visit them.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Creating a Wildlife Habitat - Step #1: Food Sources

Gardens are more than just pretty flowers...they're also an environment that provides necessary food and habitat for wildlife. As I browse garden blogs all around the world, it's obvious that more and more gardeners are turning their gardens into wildlife habitats.

As we make our gardens more attractive to wildlife we provide our local fauna with the necessary elements for their survival as more and more of their habitat is destroyed by development. In return, we reap enormous  benefits by attracting a wide variety of butterflies, birds, insects, reptiles and other native animals to our gardens.

Sharing my garden with an abundance of beautiful creatures is personally rewarding to me and proof that we can make a difference in our little part of the world when we tweak our gardens with the intention of inviting a variety of wildlife in.

It's easy to adapt our yards to accomodate and attract wildlife. In the next 5 posts we'll look at simple steps you can take to make your garden more wildlife friendly.

The FIRST element necessary to attract wildlife is to provide a variety of food sources.

TO-DO: Add a variety of native and Florida-friendly plants that produce seeds, fruits, nuts, berries and nectar. Some of the most popular and easy to find items on the menu for central Florida wildlife are:

Seeds & Nuts: Amaranth Amaranthus spp., Zinnia Zinnia spp., Crape myrtles Lagerstroemia indica, Sunflowers Helianthus spp., Scarlet Sage Salvia spp., Cleome Cleome hasslerana, Cosmos Cosmos bipinnatus, Wax Myrtles Myrica cerifera, Live Oaks Quercus virginiana.

Fruit: Mulberries, blackberries, blueberries, Coral honeysuckle vine Lonicera sempervirens.

Berries: Simpson Stoppers Myrcianthes fragrans, dahoon holly Ilex cassine, holly shrubs Ilex spp., American beautyberry Callicarpa americana, Wild coffee Psychotria spp., Privet Ligustrum spp., Sabal palm Sabal palmetto, Firebush Hamelia patens.

Nectar: Bottlebrush Callistemon spp., Golden dewdrop Duranta repens, Firebush Hamelia patens, Louis Phillippe rose, Shrimp plant Justicia brandegeana, Lantanas, Firespike Odontonema strictum, Pentas Pentas lanceolata, Coral honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens, Trumpet vine Campsis radicans, Purple coneflower Echinacea coelestinum, Milkweed Asclepias spp., Agastache , Indian Blanket flower Gaillardia pulchella, Plumbago Plumbago auriculata, Asters (native), Sunflower Helianthus spp. Impatiens Impatiens wallerana, Zinnias Zinnia spp., Stokes' Aster Stokesia laevis, Salvia varieties, Florida petunia Ruellia caroliniensis, Bee balm Monarda spp., Kalanchoes Kalanchoe spp. Daylily Hemerocallis spp., Beach sunflower Helianthus debilis, Aloe Aloe vera.

NOTE: It's okay to supplement food sources with bird seed or nectar in hummingbird feeders but you'll find that you'll attract and maintain more birds in your garden if you provide a more diverse year-round diet of pertinent plants. Plus, you'll save a few dollars on bird seed.

I have a number of feeders throughout my garden because I enjoy watching the birds who visit, but I've noticed that they frequent their favorite plants more often than the feeders which is great since I sometimes get too busy to keep them full.

Wildlife Friendly Tip: 
Be a little less tidy in the garden by leaving seedheads on plants at the end of summer for the increased number of birds we enjoy in winter. I've noticed that titmice and wrens are busy all winter long eating seeds from my crepe myrtles, agastache and coneflowers.  

As you can see, getting started is easy.  As you add new plants to your garden include some of the ones mentioned above and you'll be on your way to creating your very own wildlife habitat.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One of the Best Resources for Florida Gardeners

Gardening is very different in Florida than in other areas of the country. Fortunately, for us Florida Gardening magazine is the "go-to" resource for both the newbie and the experienced Florida gardener. They just celebrated their 100th issue (April/May 2012)...proof of how valuable it is.

Loaded with helpful information on growing plants suited to our climate from north to south Florida, as well as featured gardens.  Q&A from experts, local events and much more...this is an essential garden resource for me.

Wae and Kathy Nelson, originally ran a small mail-order seed business called Southern Seeds, when they realized that gardeners "needed information as much as they needed seeds." That and a job layoff were the catalyst to taking their leap a faith and bringing Florida Gardening to life.

Recently, Kathy graciously took the time to answer a few questions for me so that others could learn a little more about them and their magazine.

Q - When you first moved to Florida, what was the most frustrating part about gardening here?
A - "Well, Wae lived here as a boy and never had the "transition shock" that so many of us have suffered through. For me, almost everything was frustrating. My veggies were deformed by nematodes, my poinsettias and callas got eaten by caterpillars, my Norfolk Island pine and crotons froze. The only plants that thrived in my yard was a castor bean (poisonous and invasive) and a mock mulberry tree (invasive)...and finally, all of my grass died and it was like mowing a dust bowl.

I had no idea that growing things down here would be so different from Pennsylvania. People told me to use this poison or that fertilizer, but without building the soil and keeping it moist and cool, there was no way I was going to be a successful Florida gardener. And then suddenly there was a Wae -- and he shared the secrets with me and it led not just to success in the garden, but to Florida Gardening magazine.

Q - How do you and Wae split up garden chores the your yard?
A - I'm afraid the reality of publishing a magazine has put actual gardening on the back burner. I do grow lots of flowering plants, and every winter I try to put in at least a small vegetable garden, but we're like the shoemaker's kid who goes shoeless. We both putter around outside when we can, and somehow the basics get done. I do much of the daily maintenance -- weeding, pruning, transplanting and Wae gets stuck with the bigger things I can't handle -- chainsawing, digging holes for big trees, repairing hoses and pumps. Right now he and his cousin are working on fencing in our acreage to try and keep out wild hogs.

Q - Describe your garden style?
A - I'm not sure we have a "style," as such. We started off primarily growing edibles - veggies, herbs and tropical fruits - on our 6-acre mini-farm here in east-central Florida. At one time we grew over 20 varieties of bananas. Gradually we moved into growing mostly ornamentals. At first we planted for shade, because our acreage had few trees and full sun is almost impossible in Florida. Then after 20 plus years, we started to have too much shade. the hurricanes of 2004 and the wildfire of 2008 took care of that problem. Now we have a nice mix of shade and sun.

Q - What are your favorite 'no-fail' plants?
A - I don't know about the 'no-fail' part - zone 9b is a very challenging place to garden. I'm very fond of Hamelia patens (firebush), but sometimes it freezes to the ground. I love my native coral or Cherokee bean. Necklace pod - another native - is a great shrub, but I've been surprised to see how much it is spreading. We have a large number of crinums -- small ones in deep or pale pink and orange and my prized milk and wine lilies which come from Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings historic home in Cross Creek many years ago (we gave them roselle seeds in exchange for the bulbs).

I'm very fond of ornamental grasses -- especially muhly, vetiver and lemon. But I guess my favorite perennials are my heirloom roses. They take almost no care and reward me with lots of flowers through much of the year. I have a Louis Philippe or "cracker rose" that's almost as big as a house. Others are Duchesse de Brabant (pink), Mutabalis (multicolored), Mrs. Dudley Cross (almost thornless stems), and Sombreuil (white climber). My Knockout roses aren't heirlooms, but they are hard to beat for hardiness and blooms. Other favorites are crape mrytles, blue sage, golden dewdrop and of course hibiscus, bottlebrush, Walter's viburnum, begonias, jasmine cestrums, Louisiana iris, gingers, plectranthus, firecracker plants, periwinkles...I guess it's obvious that we have a big yard and I'm a plant-a-holic.

Q -What future topics can we look forward to this year?
A - Here's a sampling of what's coming up this year...bonsai made easy, wildflowers, hydroponic gardening, pomegranates, water gardening, invasives, using the color red in the garden, a potager garden, gourmet weeds, and lots about palms. Each issue usually features a place to visit...there's the Reflexology Path at the Medicinal Healing Garden at Nova Southeastern University in Davie, the garden at the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg and Pans Garden, a native garden in Palm Beach, just to name a few.

Q - Is it possible to purchase past issues of your magazine?
A - It sure is. The index can be found on our website (www.floridagardening.com). Back issues are only $2.50 each, including shipping and handling. You might want to email or call us before ordering, as many of them are out of print.

It was fun getting to know more about Florida Gardening magazine and Kathy and Wae's garden. You can subscribe to Florida Gardening by visiting their website or you can keep up with them on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/floridagardeningmagazine.

Thanks Kathy for taking the time to answer my questions. Keep up the good work!

Friday, April 06, 2012

And the Winners Are...

And the Winners Are....
Thanks to everyone who left a comment entering Happiness Farm's fabulous giveaway of two $63 gift certificates.

The two lucky gardeners chosen...by the old-fashioned method of reaching into a hat and pulling out two slips of paper...are

Joseph Evans who said
" I have been in Florida full time for 22 years now
and one of my first visits was to see the caladiums in Lake Placid.
One of my favorite variaties is the lance leaf kind in the Florida sweetheart and the rosalie."


Amy Parnell who said
"It is definitely difficult to choose one favorite Caladium variety, but I think I have to go with Miss Muffet Dwarf. Beautiful!"

Note: The winners must claim their prize within 14 days of this date in order to be eligible to receive the gift certificate.

Congratulations Joseph & Amy! If you'll both email me your mailing address, I'll get those gift certificates in the mail.

Also, it would be great if you both would both email photos of your new caladiums in their full glory to me this summer, and I'll post them for all to see. It would be fun to see your results.

And, once again a BIG thank you to Happiness Farms, Inc. for their generous giveaway, and to Ashley for all your help.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happiness Farms' Spring Caladium Giveaway

It's that time of year again for Happiness Farms' Spring Caladium Giveaway to two lucky gardeners. 

Last year's two lucky gardeners were Siesta Sister and Kay from My Garden Path. You can see which caladiums they chose and how they used them in our Caladium Happiness post. I can't wait to see who will win this year.

~ ~ Happiness Farms' Spring Caladium Giveaway ~ ~

Happiness Farms is generously giving away TWO, yes TWO $63 gift certificates. Two lucky gardeners will be able to use the certificate toward the purchase of any variety or varieties of caladium bulbs of their choice. Entering this giveaway is super easy...here's how:

1. Visit their website (click here: Happiness Farms, Inc) and choose your favorite variety (yes, I know it will be hard to choose just one).

2. Return here and leave a comment sharing your favorite caladium variety. 

It's that simple! 

The winner will be announced Friday - April 6th, 
so be sure to leave a comment by Thursday the 5th at Midnight to enter.

A big THANK YOU to Happiness Farms for their generous giveaway...best of luck to everyone!

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Catching Up...

I'm sure most of you are familiar with Pinterest a new social media site where you can create boards and pin (a virtual pin board) anything you see on line that inspires you or that you want to remember for future use. It's totally fun and extremely useful!

Central Florida Gardener now has a Pinterest account where I'll pin everything useful I can find related to Florida gardening including photos of bloggers gardens, so that everyone can see how beautiful Florida gardens are. A link to all photos posted are credited back to the original owners blog or web site. You can find it at: http://pinterest.com/cenflagardener/. Check it out and join in by creating your own account.

You can also find Central Florida Gardener on Facebook now at:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Central-Florida-Gardener/197232317050577. Another fun site for keeping up with Florida gardeners. Hope to see you there!

In addition...here are 7 more Florida garden blogs I've come across lately. If anyone other Florida garden bloggers have a blog that's not included in our blogroll, please email me at cenflagardeneratgmaildotcom, so I can include you, too. Enjoy!

A Tale of Two Gardens - One central Florida woman's quest to find a blissful balance between a manicured suburban front yard and the Florida backyard habitat of her dreams.

John Starnes' Urban Farm -  John Starnes writes for Florida Gardening magazine and offers vegetable gardening classes at his home in Tampa.

Gardening Adventures - Brittany who lives in Tampa is a young mother who is building a better life for her family by gardening organically.

Gardening for Newbies - Another young mother who's connecting with Mother Earth and learning how to garden.

Florida Native Plant Society - Learn more about native plants on their blog.

The Budget Gardener - This Boynton Beach gardener shows that you don't need a load of money to create a garden.

Northeast Florida Gardener - Ted Barrett keeps an online journal of his Northeast Florida garden.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Do you have a Florida-Friendly Landscape?

Have your gardening practices changed in recent years so that you're more conscious of the Florida environment and your impact on it?

The University of Florida Extension Service has worked diligently in the past decade to educate gardeners through The Florida Yards & Neighborhoods (FYN) Homeowner Program on good sound practices that can help all of us lessen our impact on Florida's environment and beautiful waterways.

So, let's see how you're doing. Do you follow the 9 Florida-Friendly Landscaping Principles?

1) Right plant, right place
2) Water efficiently
3) Fertilize appropriately
4) Mulch
5) Attract Wildlife
6) Control Yard Pests Responsible
7) Recycle
8) Reduce Stormwater Runoff
9) Protect the Waterfront

Not sure? Well, you can find out by using the FYN Official Yard Recognition Checklist to see how you're doing. And, if you'd like you can even have a county FYN agent or Yard Advisor visit your home to determine if your garden is eligible for Gold or Standard recognition. And, if your garden qualifies as a "Florida-Friendly Yard" you'll receive a certificate and a sign to display in your yard.

To get started explore their interactive 'home' for to learn more about the 9 Florida-Friendly Landscaping Principles.

Nanette O'Hara's yard in the Tampa Bay area has been recognized as a Florida-Friendly Landscape. You can read more about  the transition of her small yard on her blog Bay-Friendly Landscaping.  If anyone else has had their yard recognized or should it be recognized in the future, please contact me so I can add a link to your blog to inspire others to work towards this goal.

For more inspiration enjoy the U of F photo gallery of "Florida-Friendly Landscapes."

Other Florida gardeners who have "Certified Florida Yards" are:

Hoe & Shovel